In an effort to raise awareness of this disease, American Diabetes Month was established in November. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) holds an annual walk in various locations one month prior in an effort to raise funds, raise more awareness and bring those affected by diabetes together for one common cause. According to the American Diabetes Association in 2012, 29.1 million Americans had diabetes while a staggering 86 million Americans aged 20 and older who were diagnosed with prediabetes. Diabetes however does not only affect adults in the United States but also children and adolescents. About 208,000 Americans under the age of 20 are estimated to have diagnosed diabetes. For the second year in a row, the ATSNJ students and members came together in supports of ATSNJ member Mike Prybicien and his son Aiden on October 12, 2014, in Ridgefield Park, NJ and October 26, 2014 in Camden,NJ. Aiden was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on February 22, 2013. This year Aiden chose to name the team “Aiden’s Peppa Pigs” after his current favorite cartoon character. Between both “Aiden’s Peppa Pigs” from the Ridgefield Park, NJ walk participants and “Aiden’s Peppa Pig’s From the South” from those who participated in the Camden walk, ATSNJ students and members raised a total of nearly $2800. One participant’s words show the depth of the support the ATSNJ community has for Aiden. Chelsea Davis, ATSNJ Student Committee Chairperson recapped her thoughts. “Words cannot begin to describe the feeling you get when you see the infectious smiles from Aiden and his family, knowing that you contributed to it in some way. That’s the beauty of athletic training: we always stick together and we have each other’s backs. It’s truly rewarding.” Not only does the ATSNJ community support Mike Prybicien and his son, but they support all those fighting diabetes. To see a video recap of the events and witness Aiden’s Peppa Pigs, view the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avKBbVWEDDo&feature=youtu.be If you are interested in donating to the cause or learning more about diabetes, donations are being accepted at: http://jdrf.org/get-involved/ways-to-donate/