The ATSNJ welcomes research grant proposals that investigate issues within the broad discipline of sports medicine, including clinical practice, injury prevention and rehabilitation, basic science, epidemiology, biomechanics, and education.
Grant awards are designed to provide partial support of research projects. Grantee institutions are expected to provide all necessary basic facilities and services that normally would be expected to exist in any institution qualified to undertake such research. Institutional overhead or indirect costs will NOT be supported. It is anticipated that the $3,000 will be made available annually to support research grants. The maximum grant award is $1,500/year. Grant proposals may include multiyear studies. However, funding for subsequent years is highly dependent on performance and available funding. The principal investigator will assume full administrative, fiscal, ethical, and scientific responsibility for the conduct of the project.
For more information, further inquiries can be directed to:
- Richard Boergers, Ph.D., ATC
- researchgrants@atsnj.org