On Thursday, January 15th, four ATSNJ student members dedicated their time with Habitat for Humanity of Bergen County to help rebuild a home that was severely damaged by Hurricane Sandy in Little Ferry, New Jersey. At the time that Sandy hit, the home had suffered nearly five feet of sewer water damage in the basement, destroying nearly everything in its path. The students had the opportunity to repaint the basement of the home as well as measure, cut out, and place new sheet rock onto the walls. The students gained incredible knowledge pertaining to the work that goes into building and remodeling homes from experienced contractors who were at the site that day. The damage that was done by Hurricane Sandy was evident from all of the media coverage, but the ability for the students to see it in person gave them an entirely new perspective. When asked to reflect on the day, Maikee Migallos, a senior athletic training student at Montclair State University said: “Even though I was inexperienced with home renovations, the Habitat for Humanity organization was very grateful we were there. The homeowner was very appreciative and that goes to show how even the smallest things make a difference.” Andrew Calore, senior athletic training student at William Paterson, added: “Knowing that just a few hours of your time can make the biggest difference in someone else’s life is a feeling that is second to none. To witness what these homeowners must have gone through in a time of need and to continue to push forward each day is remarkable.” Quentin Smalls, senior athletic training student at Kean University also mentioned: “This was a great experience to be a part of a team effort that helped people in ways we normally wouldn’t as athletic training students.” Great job Quentin Smalls, Andrew Calore, Maikee Migallos, and Chelsea Davis for all of your efforts and hard work that day! Photo (Left to Right): Quentin Smalls (Kean University), Maikee Migallos (Montclair State University), Chelsea Davis (Montclair State University) and Andrew Calore (William Paterson University)