Celebrating the 36th Anniversary of the Athletic Trainers’ Society of New Jersey Annual Conference and Business Meeting, the ATSNJ is once again proud to present an exciting education program to attendees.
The Conference Committee, have been extremely busy developing a dynamic program based on our members’ needs. In addition, we will have an exciting student program for this important sector of our membership and the future of athletic training in our state.
We are pleased to have a great collaboration of speakers at this years conference. Our program consist of seven lectures touching on various topics in various domains of Athletic Training. You will find the program is able to deliver a magnitude of information while still being able to involve our up and coming students. The student program coincides with the main conference, allowing an excellent opportunity for the interaction of current members with future practitioners of athletic training professionals. In addition, the students will have the return of the Student Quiz Bowl.
As always, this event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. We hope you have the opportunity to interact with our exhibitors and view the various products being offered. Additionally, you are highly encouraged to visit the exhibit hall during the convention.
There is an opportunity to acquire up to 7 continuing educational credits. In accordance to the new education guidelines, there will not be any EBP courses.
Please take the time to review the committee reports, prior to the Business Meeting if possible. They can be accessed on the Committee Reports Page. Please note, you must be logged into the website to view this page.